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Comp Tier
AP Item Opener

Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate Quickstrikers

Black Rose Dominators



Last Whisper
AD Item Opener

Sentinel Ezreal

Vertical Scrap

Experiment Twitch

Watcher Zeri

Sentinel Tristana

Melee Item Opener

Smeech Reroll

Family Pit Reroll


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  1. KevinHoang

    Yo I didn’t know Sorc Elise is such a beast. She bypassed the frontline and nuked the entire backline on 2 casts.

  2. Anonymous

    Amazing web nice job guys !! keep it please!!!

  3. Anonymous

    How do I see all the comps?

    1. GM Blue

      Here’s a really scuffed list:

      Automatically generated by my CMS, so formatting is bad. Date is when it was published, not when it was last updated (can see that in Change Log).

  4. Anonymous

    broo u truely deserve all love for this neat site <3

  5. G

    First set, hit diamond with your help. Amazing recourse thanks so much <3

  6. SPSLeader

    Hit Masters cause of you, you’re a real one

  7. yan

    chem baron?

    1. GM Blue

      Under resources tab. Also under augments tab with player HP augment. I know it’s hard to find stuff – I’ll be improving that with the redesign. Appreciate the patience.

      1. yan

        aah didnt see, thank you!

  8. citelagyy

    Just hit Masters today for the first time,thank you for all your work. Hope you have a nice day and filled with happiness

    1. GM Blue

      Grats! Appreciate the kind words too

  9. Killerhimmer

    Unending Despair Blitz build,
    and Innervating Locket kog’maw build are missing! I love them

    1. GM Blue

      Neither are missing though – Unending Despair build for Blitz you can find in Cassio Reroll with in the artifact section. Innervating Locket Kog’Maw exists too, but harder to find – Under Auto’Mata Kog’Maw in the emblem section. You’re not “supposed” to play it unless you can get 6 Auto’Mata AND Innervating locket, which makes it basically not viable. Fun nonetheless!

  10. Mo

    Hey, I’ve been using your site non-stop for all my matches, and I genuinely like how intuitive and easy it is to use. It is also one of my inspirations that made me want to learn web development, and hopefully make a TFT-related website in the future. I was curious on how one gets access to assets like TFT champion/item icons? How do other TFT websites also have the team builder with champion ability info, and such? Thank you for the website again!

    1. GM Blue

      Community Dragon is the major resource for most TFT and League-related websites. Best of luck if you start developing!

    2. Anonymous

      I think u get them from the API or somewhere in the gamefiles but im not sure

  11. bySarius

    Just wanted to say thank u for all the work after being a emerald 4 andy the last 3 sets ive finally pushed to masters in 99 games partially thanks to ur site. Love the flow concept behind it it really helped me 🙂

  12. Bollesmuss EUW

    Got Gloves Off into Menaces twice now, soo fun. Vander Gigachad!

  13. Anonymous

    Is ezreal BiS still 2x runans without category5 augment/sponsored hurricane?

    1. GM Blue

      Yeah Runaan’s is good, Rageblade is good, GS is good – bow items basically. Runaan’s and Rageblade in particular are performing quite well though. We can’t filter for no category 5 / sponsor in stats, but some games in scrims and regionals have demonstrated their strength.

  14. sipthecoke

    hey man great site helped me climb to masters just a small thing i find that the site doesnt work that well on mobile cant really scroll to see the builds

  15. Anonymous

    Just wanted to say this is an amazing site.

  16. pam

    hey ! first message for say just THANK YOU. With ur guide i reach platinium to master 326 lp ur a just awesome. again thank you very much.

    1. GM Blue

      Well done, that’s a massive climb!

  17. GM Blue

    The flowchart is live for Patch 13.7. This is the final competitive patch of Set 13. After this, we have the “for-fun” patch for 13.8 which will run concurrently with the Set 14 PBE. My goal is to get the site as prepared as possible for Set 14 PBE. There are some technical upgrades I need to make, but I’m also trying to manage the home page redesign.

    The good news is that the new home page design is practically finalized (just need to make it responsive for mobile) and then from there, I will work on implementation. I’m hoping implementation doesn’t take too long. For reference, implementation for the team builder took 4 weeks. I’m hoping it takes less time than that for the home page redesign, but we’ll see how that all works out. Just a heads up on what’s going on with the website.

    1. PixelChrome

      Hey man, appreciate all the work you do with this and it’s so dope watching the site grow from when I first started using it. Keep it up!