Website updated for Patch 13.5. Relatively small patch overall. Some changes that didn’t get changed on website is the fact that Black Rose Dominators is slightly better in the meta now – truth be told, it should have been removed from default lines at end of last patch because it was closer to C-tier without special conditions but now it’s probably back to around B-tier. Other changes you can see in the change log as usual.
Thanks for this
hey could you add the renni hero aaugmetn comp.
Thought they removed that from the game a while ago. I haven’t really seen it in any of my games since December for some reason lol
Twitch dead now?
Yeah generally I would not look to play Twitch at all, but is viable with emblem (which they nerfed again, but still makes it viable).
Twitch + Exp spat vertical experiment still viable. Went 1st today with him in Masters.
Really helpful, thanks a lot!
My guy doing the god’s work
Thanks Boss!
Thank you boss. That was quick
Website updated for Patch 13.5. Relatively small patch overall. Some changes that didn’t get changed on website is the fact that Black Rose Dominators is slightly better in the meta now – truth be told, it should have been removed from default lines at end of last patch because it was closer to C-tier without special conditions but now it’s probably back to around B-tier. Other changes you can see in the change log as usual.
You’re a King my boy, ty again!