

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Alt Build 5

Heal 200/220/250/270 (
) and chomp target for 140/210/315/420 (
) physical damage. Both effects are increased by up to 75% based on Trundle’s missing Health.


Lock onto target and strafe to a nearby position, unleashing 21/21/35 missiles split between the target and all enemies within two hexes. Each missile deals 29/43/124 (
) physical damage and reduces Armor by 1.
Every 7th missile deals 201/302/866 (
) physical damage and reduces Armor by 7.
Every 7th missile deals 201/302/866 (

Jump to a nearby hex and web all enemies within 2 hexes, Stunning them for 2/2/8 seconds and dealing 120/180/1200 (
) magic damage. Heal 400/450/2000 (
When to Play
Hero Augment
Tips & Tricks
- All of your decisions should revolve around how to make Trundle as strong as possible. Augments, anomalies, support items, etc. All of it is designed to make Trundle immortal. Double healing is very good.
- Anger issues is not better than double healing builds, but it is a viable bailout if you end up with terrible items.
- Ranged builds have low sample size, but look quite good on Trundle. This suggests the Eagle Eye anomaly might be good on him as well.
- Bruiser Emblem is good (especially if you can drop Steb with Greater Moonlight augment), but not worth taking as an augment.
- Sniper version is performing better after the buffs to Sniper in 13.6, but Corki version still overall performs slightly better.
Bruiser Sniper

Strong Conditions


Item Priority


Titan’s Resolve

Hand Of Justice
Economy Strategy
- Do not spend gold on leveling this stage. If you have 2-stars and a good item, you can consider playing to win some rounds. Otherwise lose streak is common for stage 2.
- Roll to 33 gold, buying any unit that will be part of the level 4 or 5 board. You can also buy units that will be part of the level 6+ board, but you can sell those if your bench fills and you need to buy other units. Rolling to 33 gold is advisable because it allows you to save back up to 50g by 3-5.
- Do not level if you haven’t hit your 3-star 1-costs yet. If you have your 3-stars, you generally should still stay level 5 if you can win or if leveling to 6 would put you below 20g. Try to get above 40g this round.
- Ideally above 50g, level 5 at this point or level 6 with 3-stars.
- If you haven’t hit your 3-stars yet, roll to ~52g each turn. You don’t want to roll to perfect 50g as any units you buy in shop will put you below 50g. If you have 8+ copies of an itemized 1-cost, you can roll to 40g or 30g every round instead. Level to 6 once you hit your 3-stars.
- If you haven’t hit your 3-stars yet, you must roll until you hit them. You should level to 6 after hitting. In some rare games, you will miss or spend so much gold you can never catch up. These games will usually result in bottom 4 placements.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above ~20g. Otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7.
- Level to 8 if you are in bottom half of lobby HP and are losing rounds. If you are higher HP and feel stable, you can wait until next turn.
- Level to 8 if you haven’t already. Roll for any remaining units necessary for the comp. If stable, you can try to go 9. Most games you will end on level 8.
- Level to 9 whenever possible. This is rare, but can happen in the games you have a chance of winning.