

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Jab target 2 times for 62/93/140/186 (
) physical damage each. Then uppercut them, dealing 172/258/387/515 (
) physical damage and briefly knocking them up.

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Passive: If Draven has an empowered axe in hand, his next attack will throw it, dealing a total of 87/130/198/266 (
) physical damage. Empowered axes return to Draven after hitting an enemy.
Active: Spin an empowered axe.
Active: Spin an empowered axe.

Alt Build 1

Spin, dealing 132/198/297/396 (
) physical damage to adjacent enemies and healing 150/175/200/225 (
). Apply a 110/165/248/330 (
) physical damage bleed to target over 4 seconds.

Alt Build 1

Stop attacking and brace for 3 seconds, gaining 100/130/180/175 (
) Armor and Magic Resist. Vander’s next attack is replaced with a strike that deals 200/300/450/600 (
) physical damage, increased by 50/75/113/150 (
) physical damage for each 1 or 2 cost champion on your team.

Gain 280/325/1200 (
) Shield for 3 seconds, then Stun target for 2 seconds. Slam them down, dealing 450/675/2025 (
) physical damage to them and causing a shockwave in their row. Enemies hit take 135/202/844 (
) physical damage and are briefly knocked up.
When to Play
Cooking Pot
Prismatic Ticket
Starry Night
Melee Item Opener
Tips & Tricks
- On level 8, you can play an emissary unit (Tristana + Urgot can work if you don’t have Vi), a 6 Cost, or a random Pit Fighter.
- Violet build is flexible. You can build zero Omnivamp even. QSS, Steraks, EoN, and Infinity Edge are all viable. Make sure you aren’t greeding items.

Strong Conditions


Item Priority

Sterak’s Gage

Economy Strategy
- This is an uncommon econ strategy. Sometimes there are zero comps in the meta that use it.
- Do not spend gold on leveling this stage. If you have 2-stars and a good item, you can consider playing to win some rounds. Otherwise lose streak is common for stage 2.
- Unlike 1-cost reroll, stay above 50g for entirety of stage 3. Slow roll to ~52g for the remainder of the stage, buying all necessary 1-costs and 2-costs.
- If you haven’t hit your 3-stars yet, you must roll until you hit them. Level to 6 after hitting. You should be close to having a 2-cost 3-star unit as well. In some cases, you can level to 6 before hitting all 1-costs if you have many copies of your 1-costs, but not many of your 2-cost.
- Level to 6 if you haven’t.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above 20g, otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7 if you haven’t.
- Level to 8. Most likely end the game on 8, so roll for remaining important units. If far ahead, can save and try to go 9 in stage 6.