
Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Fire 5/5/7 missiles at random enemies that deal 52/78/275 (
) magic damage. Each cast fires 1 more missile than the last.


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Gain 50/50/90% Durability for 3 seconds. Over the duration, drain 50/75/225 (
) Health from the nearest 4/4/10 enemies. Then slam down, dealing 72/108/840 (
) magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.


Call down a rain of 5 missiles on target’s row that each deal 450/675/4000 (
) magic damage, Wound, and 1% Burn units hit for 5 seconds. For each missile that doesn’t hit an enemy, restore 20 Mana.
If there’s only 1 enemy left, fire all of the missiles at them.
Burn: Deal a percent of the target’s max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%
If there’s only 1 enemy left, fire all of the missiles at them.
Burn: Deal a percent of the target’s max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Lock onto target and strafe to a nearby position, unleashing 21/21/35 missiles split between the target and all enemies within two hexes. Each missile deals 29/43/124 (
) physical damage and reduces Armor by 1.
Every 7th missile deals 201/302/866 (
) physical damage and reduces Armor by 7.
Every 7th missile deals 201/302/866 (
When to Play
AD Item Opener
Category Five
Hero Augment
Tips & Tricks
- 6 Sentinel is a massive spike from 4, but can be difficult to play if you’re missing a Sentinel Emblem. Note that Sentinel Emblem is generally NOT worth an augment slot.
- 6 Sentinel is easiest way to cap, but flex units like 6 costs, AD carries (Jayce / Corki), and Lux also work fine with 4 Sentinel. If your academy item is good or you have a strong reason to play Corki, it is completely normal to play 4 Sentinel instead.
- Corki 2 > Jayce 1 if you have AD items. Jayce 2 > Corki 2 and Jayce 1 > Corki 1 obviously, even factoring in the loss of traits.
- If you get Center of the Universe on Corki, place him on center back hex. He will AoE entire frontline.
- Sentinel Academy has traditionally been more of an AD comp than AP comp that primarily plays around Ezreal + Corki + Jayce. Therefore, it is generally preferable if your Academy item setup is better for AD. You can still play around Heimer late-game, but try and play around Ezreal early.
- Lately, some players are opting to forgo Heimer altogether and exclusively play around the AD champions (duo Ezreal + Corki primarily, add Jayce late-game).
Rebel Academy

Strong Conditions


Item Priority

Infinity Edge

Last Whisper

Tear of the Goddess

Needlessly Large Rod
Economy Strategy
- Level to 4 if you have upgrades and a good item to place on one of those upgrades.
- Level to 5, unless on 3 loss streak.
- Level to 6 if on 4+ win streak (scout to see if necessary in high elo) or can stay above 40g.
- Level to 6, unless you would go below 30g. If you have to stay level 5 due to low gold (rare), then level to 6 on 3-5.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above 30g, otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7.
- Level to 8. Roll for desired comp until stable. “Stable” changes depending on rank, items, augments, composition, and patch. Melee carries and tanks get the biggest spike for 2-stars. Usually stable involves 2-star tank or carry and some other supporting 2-stars. Try not to roll below 10g.
- If you are weak (e.g., have no 2-star 4-costs), consider rolling again to 10g here. If you are stable, save gold to go 9.
- If you are low HP and haven’t 2-starred your carry and tank, roll to 0g. If you have medium to high HP with an upgraded + itemized 4-cost unit and some other upgrades, save gold to go 9.
- If high HP, consider waiting until 5-5 to go level 9. If medium HP, consider going level 9 if you can roll 20g or wait until 5-5. If low HP and can afford to go 9, do so even if you have almost no gold to roll on 9. If you can’t afford to go 9 this game, roll every turn for upgrades.
- Level to 9 if possible. From this point onward, look to level to 9. Acknowledge games where level 9 is not possible and roll every turn on 8 to preserve placements.
- For max cap games, you can either roll on 9 or level to 10. If you are itemizing a 5-cost carry and it is 1-starred, roll on 9. If you have all your main itemized units upgraded, level to 10.