Level 5
Level 8 Flex (See Tips)
Level 9
Pit Fighter Emblem
Family Emblem


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Jab target 2 times for 62/93/140/186 (
) physical damage each. Then uppercut them, dealing 172/258/387/515 (
) physical damage and briefly knocking them up.

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Passive: If Draven has an empowered axe in hand, his next attack will throw it, dealing a total of 87/130/198/266 (
) physical damage. Empowered axes return to Draven after hitting an enemy.
Active: Spin an empowered axe.
Active: Spin an empowered axe.

Alt Build 1

Spin, dealing 132/198/297/396 (
) physical damage to adjacent enemies and healing 150/175/200/225 (
). Apply a 110/165/248/330 (
) physical damage bleed to target over 4 seconds.

Alt Build 1

Stop attacking and brace for 3 seconds, gaining 100/125/150/175 (
) Armor and Magic Resist. Vander’s next attack is replaced with a strike that deals 200/300/450/600 (
) physical damage, increased by 50/75/113/150 (
) physical damage for each 1 or 2 cost champion on your team.

Gain 280/325/1200 (
) Shield for 3 seconds, then Stun target for 2 seconds. Slam them down, dealing 450/675/2025 (
) physical damage to them and causing a shockwave in their row. Enemies hit take 135/202/844 (
) physical damage and are briefly knocked up.
When to Play
Tips & Tricks
- On level 8, you can play an emissary unit (Tristana + Urgot can work if you don’t have Vi), a 6 Cost, or a random Pit Fighter.

Strong Conditions


Item Priority


Last Whisper

Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Economy Strategy
- This is an uncommon econ strategy. Sometimes there are zero comps in the meta that use it.
- Do not spend gold on leveling this stage. If you have 2-stars and a good item, you can consider playing to win some rounds. Otherwise lose streak is common for stage 2.
- Unlike 1-cost reroll, stay above 50g for entirety of stage 3. Slow roll to ~52g for the remainder of the stage, buying all necessary 1-costs and 2-costs.
- If you haven’t hit your 3-stars yet, you must roll until you hit them. Level to 6 after hitting. You should be close to having a 2-cost 3-star unit as well. In some cases, you can level to 6 before hitting all 1-costs if you have many copies of your 1-costs, but not many of your 2-cost.
- Level to 6 if you haven’t.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above 20g, otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7 if you haven’t.
- Level to 8. Most likely end the game on 8, so roll for remaining important units. If far ahead, can save and try to go 9 in stage 6.