

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Alt Build 5

Gain 280/325/1200 (
) Shield for 3 seconds, then Stun target for 2 seconds. Slam them down, dealing 450/675/2025 (
) physical damage to them and causing a shockwave in their row. Enemies hit take 135/202/844 (
) physical damage and are briefly knocked up.


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Enter a sniper’s stance and call in an airship that circles the battlefield for 5 seconds, dropping 4/4/20 bombs at a random cluster of enemies over the duration. Bombs deal 168/251/1484 (
) physical damage in a one-hex circle.
Whenever an enemy is caught in the epicenter of an Air Raid blast, reduce their Armor and Magic Resist by 20 and fire a shot towards them, dealing 230/344/2491 (
) physical damage.
Whenever an enemy is caught in the epicenter of an Air Raid blast, reduce their Armor and Magic Resist by 20 and fire a shot towards them, dealing 230/344/2491 (

Gain 600/700/900 (
) Shield for 4 seconds. It redirects 50% of damage taken by adjacent allies. When it expires, deal 150/225/360 (
) magic damage in a cone.

Randomly cast 1 of 3 spells, with a chance of a Jackpot!
Flamethrower: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell1_Tooltip}}
Extendo-Punch: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell2_Tooltip}}
Chomp: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell3_Tooltip}}
Flamethrower: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell1_Tooltip}}
Extendo-Punch: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell2_Tooltip}}
Chomp: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell3_Tooltip}}

Throw 3 cards at different targets.
Blue Card: Restore 90/110/140 (
) Health to the lowest Health ally.
Red Card: Deal 120/180/275 (
) magic damage to the largest circle of enemies.
Yellow Card: Deal 240/360/560 (
) magic damage to target and Stun them for 1 second.
Blue Card: Restore 90/110/140 (
Red Card: Deal 120/180/275 (
Yellow Card: Deal 240/360/560 (
When to Play
Tips & Tricks
- Martial law augment is excellent for hitting Caitlyn early. Ambessa is easily playable with Enforcers.
- For Vi anomalies, focus on tanky anomalies like Stoneskin / Bulwark or sustain anomalies like Invisibility / Last Chance.
- Typical flex units: Rumble / Illaoi, Sevika, Ambessa, and 6-Costs.
- Caitlyn wants a mana item (Blue Buff > Shojin) + IE + AD or Damage Amp item. Caitlyn 1 is a strong carry so don’t be afraid to prio items for her.
- Do not focus on building Caitlyn items before you have Caitlyn. Instead, build items on TF. Ideally build generic items like Shojin, Guardbreaker, and GS that are both good on TF and Caitlyn so you can easily move items later.
- Titan’s is Vi’s best item. You can stack as many as you want on Vi.
- There has been several nerfs to 8 Enforcer. The value of Enforcer emblem has dropped significantly. It’s still good, but you should prioritize strong combat over Emblem on 4-2 augment especially.

Bruiser Sniper

Strong Conditions


Item Priority


Titan’s Resolve


B.F. Sword
Economy Strategy
- Level to 4 if you have upgrades and a good item to place on one of those upgrades.
- Level to 5, unless on 3 loss streak.
- Level to 6 if on 4+ win streak (scout to see if necessary in high elo) or can stay above 40g.
- Level to 6, unless you would go below 30g. If you have to stay level 5 due to low gold (rare), then level to 6 on 3-5.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above 30g, otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7.
- Level to 8. Roll for desired comp until stable. “Stable” changes depending on rank, items, augments, composition, and patch. Melee carries and tanks get the biggest spike for 2-stars. Usually stable involves 2-star tank or carry and some other supporting 2-stars. Try not to roll below 10g.
- If you are weak (e.g., have no 2-star 4-costs), consider rolling again to 10g here. If you are stable, save gold to go 9.
- If you are low HP and haven’t 2-starred your carry and tank, roll to 0g. If you have medium to high HP with an upgraded + itemized 4-cost unit and some other upgrades, save gold to go 9.
- If high HP, consider waiting until 5-5 to go level 9. If medium HP, consider going level 9 if you can roll 20g or wait until 5-5. If low HP and can afford to go 9, do so even if you have almost no gold to roll on 9. If you can’t afford to go 9 this game, roll every turn for upgrades.
- Level to 9 if possible. From this point onward, look to level to 9. Acknowledge games where level 9 is not possible and roll every turn on 8 to preserve placements.
- For max cap games, you can either roll on 9 or level to 10. If you are itemizing a 5-cost carry and it is 1-starred, roll on 9. If you have all your main itemized units upgraded, level to 10.