Level 8, No Legendaries
Enforcer Emblem – 01
Enforcer Emblem – 02


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Gain 280/325/1200 (
) Shield for 3 seconds, then Stun target for 2 seconds. Slam them down, dealing 450/675/2025 (
) physical damage to them and causing a shockwave in their row. Enemies hit take 135/202/844 (
) physical damage and are briefly knocked up.


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Enter a sniper’s stance and call in an airship that circles the battlefield for 5 seconds, dropping 4/4/20 bombs at a random cluster of enemies over the duration. Bombs deal 168/251/1484 (
) physical damage in a one-hex circle.
Whenever an enemy is caught in the epicenter of an Air Raid blast, reduce their Armor and Magic Resist by 20 and fire a shot towards them, dealing 230/344/2491 (
) physical damage.
Whenever an enemy is caught in the epicenter of an Air Raid blast, reduce their Armor and Magic Resist by 20 and fire a shot towards them, dealing 230/344/2491 (

Gain 600/700/800 (
) Shield for 4 seconds. It redirects 50% of damage taken by adjacent allies. When it expires, deal 150/225/360 (
) magic damage in a cone.

Randomly cast 1 of 3 spells, with a chance of a Jackpot!
Flamethrower: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell1_Tooltip}}
Extendo-Punch: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell2_Tooltip}}
Chomp: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell3_Tooltip}}
Flamethrower: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell1_Tooltip}}
Extendo-Punch: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell2_Tooltip}}
Chomp: {{Spell_TFT13_LieutenantSpell3_Tooltip}}

Throw 3 cards at different targets.
Blue Card: Restore 90/110/140 (
) Health to the lowest Health ally.
Red Card: Deal 120/180/275 (
) magic damage to the largest circle of enemies.
Yellow Card: Deal 240/360/560 (
) magic damage to target and Stun them for 1 second.
Blue Card: Restore 90/110/140 (
Red Card: Deal 120/180/275 (
Yellow Card: Deal 240/360/560 (
When to Play
Tips & Tricks
- Martial law augment is excellent for hitting Caitlyn early. Ambessa is easily playable with Enforcers.
- For Vi anomalies, focus on tanky anomalies like Stoneskin / Bulwark or sustain anomalies like Invisibility / Last Chance.
- Typical flex units: Rumble / Illaoi, Sevika, Ambessa, and 6-Costs.
- Caitlyn wants a mana item (Blue Buff > Shojin) + IE + AD or Damage Amp item. Caitlyn 1 is a strong carry so don’t be afraid to prio items for her.

Bruiser Sniper

Strong Conditions


Item Priority

Economy Strategy
- Level to 4 if you have upgrades and a good item to place on one of those upgrades.
- Level to 5, unless on 3 loss streak.
- Level to 6 if on 4+ win streak (scout to see if necessary in high elo) or can stay above 40g.
- Level to 6, unless you would go below 30g. If you have to stay level 5 due to low gold (rare), then level to 6 on 3-5.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above 30g, otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7.
- Level to 8. Roll for desired comp until stable. “Stable” changes depending on rank, items, augments, composition, and patch. Melee carries and tanks get the biggest spike for 2-stars. Usually stable involves 2-star tank or carry and some other supporting 2-stars. Try not to roll below 10g.
- If you are weak (e.g., have no 2-star 4-costs), consider rolling again to 10g here. If you are stable, save gold to go 9.
- If you are low HP and haven’t 2-starred your carry and tank, roll to 0g. If you have medium to high HP with an upgraded + itemized 4-cost unit and some other upgrades, save gold to go 9.
- If high HP, consider waiting until 5-5 to go level 9. If medium HP, consider going level 9 if you can roll 20g or wait until 5-5. If low HP and can afford to go 9, do so even if you have almost no gold to roll on 9. If you can’t afford to go 9 this game, roll every turn for upgrades.
- Level to 9 if possible. From this point onward, look to level to 9. Acknowledge games where level 9 is not possible and roll every turn on 8 to preserve placements.
- For max cap games, you can either roll on 9 or level to 10. If you are itemizing a 5-cost carry and it is 1-starred, roll on 9. If you have all your main itemized units upgraded, level to 10.