

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Alt Build 5

Fire an explosive charge, dealing 185/275/446/595 (
) physical damage to target and 110/162/261/347 (
) physical damage to adjacent enemies. 20% Sunder all enemies hit for 6 seconds.
Sunder: Reduce Armor
Experiment Bonus: Dash to targets. On cast, gain % max Health Shield and % Attack Speed for 5 seconds.


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Fire a cannonball at target, dealing 84/132/213/0 (
) physical damage. If they die, the cannonball ricochets to the nearest enemy, dealing the overkill damage. When it does, permanently gain % Attack Damage.
(Current Bonus: %
(Current Bonus: %


Lock onto target and strafe to a nearby position, unleashing 21/21/35 missiles split between the target and all enemies within two hexes. Each missile deals 29/43/124 (
) physical damage and reduces Armor by 1.
Every 7th missile deals 201/302/866 (
) physical damage and reduces Armor by 7.
Every 7th missile deals 201/302/866 (

Jump to a nearby hex and web all enemies within 2 hexes, Stunning them for 2/2/8 seconds and dealing 120/180/1200 (
) magic damage. Heal 400/450/2000 (
When to Play
Caretaker’s Ally
Starry Night
Two Much Value
Unleash The Beast
Worth the Wait II
Cooking Pot
Melee Item Opener
Tips & Tricks
- This comp is centered around Urgot. That means he needs to be 3 starred, have BiS items, and a strong anomaly.
- For anomalies, generally focus on any that make Urgot tankier. You want Urgot 1v9’ing. The list of “acceptable” Urgot anomalies is massive: Knockout, Invisibility, Diving In, Last Chance, Bulwark, Deep Roots, Fortified, Giant-Sized, Stoneskin, Hunger for Power. Last Chance feels best-in-slot.
- Make sure you memorize strong artifacts and radiant items for Urgot. Also keep an eye out for augments that make Urgot stronger.
- If you hit Urgot 3 early (or have an augment like Caretaker’s / Worth the Wait), you can push levels instead of rolling for Tristana 3. Play around Corki instead in these cases. Most of time you will go for Tristana 3, but there are circumstances where it isn’t a viable option.
- At level 6, play any Bruiser or Swain until you hit Elise.
Experiment Artillerist

Strong Conditions


Item Priority

Innervating Locket

Sterak’s Gage


Titan’s Resolve
Economy Strategy
- Level to 4 if you have upgrades and a good item to place on one of those upgrades.
- Level to 5, unless on 3 loss streak.
- Level to 6. Roll until stable. “Stable” changes depending on rank, items, augments, composition, and patch, but generally speaking it involves 2-starring your desired 2-cost carry and a tank with items. Major divergence between elos: The lower your elo, the less upgrades you need to be “stable” and thus lower elo players should generally roll less than high elo players on 3-2.
- After your 3-2 rolldown, you should attempt to rebuild your economy to 50g.
- Once you reach 50g (it might be later than 3-5), start slow rolling down to ~52g each turn. Try to avoid rolling to exactly 50g as any unit you want to buy in shop will put you below 50g.
- If you are high HP relative to the lobby, continue slow rolling to 52g each turn. If you are lower HP, you should roll to hit your first 2-cost 3 star on 4-1 or 4-2. If you have to roll below 30g, your placement is usually capped at 3rd or 4th.
- If you are still high HP (70+), you can continue to slow roll. Otherwise, in the majority of cases, you should roll deep for your 3-stars here. If your HP is low, you can even go to 0 gold looking for your 3-stars. If you have your 3-stars and can afford to level to 7 with 10g+, do so.
- Level to 7 if you haven’t already.
- Level to 8 as soon as possible. This may not happen until 5-5 or in some games, stage 6.
- Level to 9 whenever possible. This is rare, but can happen in the games you have a chance of winning.