
Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Alt Build 5

For the next 8 attacks, gain 75% Attack Speed, infinite range, and replace attacks with a piercing bolt that targets random enemies. Bolts deal 116/172/592 (
) physical damage, reduced by 40/40/20% for each enemy they pass through.
Experiment Bonus: After every 5 attacks, deal physical damage to the nearest enemy equal to % of their max Health.

Passive: After dealing damage, heal 15/27/162 (
Active: Gain 375/520/1986 (
) Shield for 4 seconds. Slam a massive sword on target, dealing 163/244/2194 (
) physical damage to them and 81/122/1097 (
) physical damage to enemies within 2 hexes.
Active: Gain 375/520/1986 (


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Enter a sniper’s stance and call in an airship that circles the battlefield for 5 seconds, dropping 4/4/20 bombs at a random cluster of enemies over the duration. Bombs deal 168/251/1484 (
) physical damage in a one-hex circle.
Whenever an enemy is caught in the epicenter of an Air Raid blast, reduce their Armor and Magic Resist by 20 and fire a shot towards them, dealing 230/344/2491 (
) physical damage.
Whenever an enemy is caught in the epicenter of an Air Raid blast, reduce their Armor and Magic Resist by 20 and fire a shot towards them, dealing 230/344/2491 (
When to Play
Tips & Tricks
- GUNBLADE IS IMPORTANT FOR THESE WATCHER FLEX LINES. Gunblade builds are performing MUCH better than the traditional builds we’ve seen for Twitch in the past. This only applies to Watcher Twitch, not Experiment / Bruiser.
- 4 Sniper and 4 Watcher are both strong currently so this flex line takes advantage of that. With a Sniper Emblem, you can play 6 Sniper with 4 Watcher.
- Alternatively, you can play 6 Sentinel with 4 Sniper with Emblem. Much lower sample size on this comp, but theoretically works and has some stats to back it up. Play at own risk until it gets more established.
- There are some other 6 Sniper boards, particularly some that play around Sevika (in hopes of taking advantage of flamethrower), but sample size is low and is hard to judge their strength.
Watcher Sniper

Watcher Sniper

Strong Conditions


Item Priority

Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Infinity Edge


B.F. Sword
Economy Strategy
- Level to 4 if you have upgrades and a good item to place on one of those upgrades.
- Level to 5, unless on 3 loss streak.
- Level to 6 if on 4+ win streak (scout to see if necessary in high elo) or can stay above 40g.
- Level to 6, unless you would go below 30g. If you have to stay level 5 due to low gold (rare), then level to 6 on 3-5.
- Level to 7 if you can stay above 30g, otherwise stay level 6.
- Level to 7.
- Level to 8. Roll for desired comp until stable. “Stable” changes depending on rank, items, augments, composition, and patch. Melee carries and tanks get the biggest spike for 2-stars. Usually stable involves 2-star tank or carry and some other supporting 2-stars. Try not to roll below 10g.
- If you are weak (e.g., have no 2-star 4-costs), consider rolling again to 10g here. If you are stable, save gold to go 9.
- If you are low HP and haven’t 2-starred your carry and tank, roll to 0g. If you have medium to high HP with an upgraded + itemized 4-cost unit and some other upgrades, save gold to go 9.
- If high HP, consider waiting until 5-5 to go level 9. If medium HP, consider going level 9 if you can roll 20g or wait until 5-5. If low HP and can afford to go 9, do so even if you have almost no gold to roll on 9. If you can’t afford to go 9 this game, roll every turn for upgrades.
- Level to 9 if possible. From this point onward, look to level to 9. Acknowledge games where level 9 is not possible and roll every turn on 8 to preserve placements.
- For max cap games, you can either roll on 9 or level to 10. If you are itemizing a 5-cost carry and it is 1-starred, roll on 9. If you have all your main itemized units upgraded, level to 10.