

Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Alt Build 4

Passive: Every 3rd attack is replaced with a spark that deals 112/168/249/331 (
) physical damage to target and 56/84/125/165 (
) physical damage to 2 nearby enemies.


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Alt Build 3

Passive: Attacks deal 48/72/120 (
) bonus magic damage.
Active: Gain 25% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat. After every 3 casts, gain +1 Range.
Active: Gain 25% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat. After every 3 casts, gain +1 Range.


Alt Build 1

Alt Build 2

Lob bombs at the nearest 3 enemies, Stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing 80/120/180 (
) magic damage to each. Heal 220/240/270 (

Alt Build 1

Passive: After dealing damage, heal 15/27/162 (
Active: Gain 350/490/1986 (
) Shield for 4 seconds. Slam a massive sword on target, dealing 163/244/2194 (
) physical damage to them and 81/122/1097 (
) physical damage to enemies within 2 hexes.
Active: Gain 350/490/1986 (
When to Play
Caretaker’s Ally
Perfect Items
Pumping Up III
Shimmerscale Essence
Two Much Value
Worth the Wait II
AD Item Opener
Tips & Tricks
- Anger issues is absurd – always take.
- On level 8, generally you want to play 6 Watcher but if you find a 6-cost, you can play 6-cost + Ekko + 4 Watcher.
- Firelight emblem is good and worth taking. Watcher emblem is not worth taking as an augment generally.
- Primary carry has shifted between Zeri and Kog’Maw depending on meta and opener. If you have many copies of Zeri and no strong Kog’Maw artifacts, focus on Zeri + Scar. If you hit a strong Kog’Maw artifact, focus on Kog’Maw.
- This comp requires nearly perfect items. Zeri always wants rageblade + gunblade + AD item and Kog’Maw generally wants Rageblade + Archangel + Gunblade or Artifact.
- Tank anomaly > Kog’Maw or Zeri anomaly. This is a scaling comp, so damage won’t be an issue as long as the fight goes long.
Watcher Sniper

Watcher Sniper

Strong Conditions


Item Priority

Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Hextech Gunblade

Archangel’s Staff
Economy Strategy
- This is an uncommon econ strategy. Sometimes there are zero comps in the meta that use it.
- Level to 4 if you have upgrades and a good item to place on one of those upgrades.
- Level to 5, unless on 3 loss streak.
- Level to 6. Roll until stable. “Stable” changes depending on rank, items, augments, composition, and patch, but generally speaking it involves 2-starring your desired 2-cost carry and a tank with items. Major divergence between elos: The lower your elo, the less upgrades you need to be “stable” and thus lower elo players should generally roll less than high elo players on 3-2.
- After your 3-2 rolldown, you should attempt to rebuild your economy to 50g.
- Once you reach 50g (it might be later than 3-5), start slow rolling down to ~52g each turn. Try to avoid rolling to exactly 50g as any unit you want to buy in shop will put you below 50g.
- Unlike 2-cost reroll, you generally cannot afford to dip below 50g this stage. If you have to due to HP, you’re likely going to end up in a bottom 4 placement. Slow roll to ~53g this stage, picking up your 2-costs and 3-costs.
- In some metas, this econ strategy levels to 7 here and slow rolls at 50g until stage 5. If you have high HP, you can defer going level 7 until 4-5.
- Level to 7 if you didn’t on 4-2 and continue to slow roll above 50g.
- Roll to 0g, trying to hit your key 2 and 3-cost 3 stars. You’ll want your carry and tank upgraded at a minimum.
- From this point onward, attempt to level to 8 and add any key remaining units to your board.